
【動画】ワンパンマン-キング地球上で最も強力な男の真の強さは? The true strength of the most powerful man on the planet?【One Punch Man】

ワンパンマン-キング地球上で最も強力な男の真の強さは? The true strength of the most powerful man on the planet?【One Punch Man】
ワンパンマン-キング地球上で最も強力な男の真の強さは? The true strength of the most powerful man on the planet?【One Punch Man】
ワンパンマン-キング地球上で最も強力な男の真の強さは? The true strength of the most powerful man on the planet?【One Punch Man】




2015年3月12日発売の『週刊ヤングジャンプ』15号にて、テレビアニメ化が発表された[4]。2016年3月には、第2回SUGOI JAPAN Awardでマンガ部門1位を獲得した。

2017年1月から更新が止まっていたが、2017年9月に作者のONEが原作(ONE版)の更新休止をホームページ上にて正式に発表。その後2019年4月8日に更新を再開した[5][注 1]。


単行本の累計発行部数は2021年1月時点で2400万部を突破している[集 1]。

In the wake of defeating Boros and his mighty army, Saitama has returned to his unremarkable everyday life in Z-City. However, unbeknownst to him, the number of monsters appearing is still continuously on the rise, putting a strain on the Hero Association’s resources. Their top executives decide on the bold move of recruiting hoodlums in order to help in their battle. But during the first meeting with these potential newcomers, a mysterious man calling himself Garou makes his appearance. Claiming to be a monster, he starts mercilessly attacking the crowd.The mysterious Garou continues his rampage against the Hero Association, crushing every hero he encounters. He turns out to be the legendary martial artist Silverfang’s best former disciple and seems driven by unknown motives. Regardless, this beast of a man seems unstoppable. Intrigued by this puzzling new foe and with an insatiable thirst for money, Saitama decides to seize the opportunity and joins the interesting martial arts competition.As the tournament commences and Garou continues his rampage, a new great menace reveals itself, threatening the entire human world. Could this finally be the earth shattering catastrophe predicted by the great seer Madame Shibabawa?
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    • しろくろ
    • 2021年 7月 20日


    • 小山ピッチングコーチ
    • 2021年 7月 20日


    • 핑핑
    • 2021年 7月 20日

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