
【動画】Astra Lost in Space Episode 3 彼方のアストラ – Review

Discussing my thoughts on episode 3 of Kanata no Astra, aka Astra Lost in Space… What say you?

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  1. 彼方のアストラ

    【動画】【体験版】1/2 summer part1[プレイ動画]

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    • Navi Fairy
    • 2019年 7月 24日

    Yes, you could say this plot is something that devalues human life. That’s one way of putting it. I’m enjoying your theories and find it interesting on the ones that are at least party right.

    The way this anime is shaping up it seems something will try and kill them every episode, although I imagine there will be a few exceptions eventually. Not sure when that will be.

    • Reuben Lyimo
    • 2019年 7月 24日

    love your theory crafting restricted space travel bureaucracy and taxing more might be a motive or they just want to ban students from space travelling for some stupid
    ulgar wanting to protect himself out of fear makes sense

    • Reuben Lyimo
    • 2019年 7月 24日

    i have a feeling instead of one betrayer we have two Ulgar is going to try and betray everyone next week by killing them and himself and Lu is broke the communicator and the fact she did not put her helmet on when the breach happened and she had flash back where mother said Lu should be out of sight telling to kill herself

    • Yu Takeda
    • 2019年 7月 24日

    I’ve noticed a pattern with some of these characters. Kanata relationship with his father is soured when he gave up on his dream. Quiterrie’s mom piratically doesn’t care about her. Ulgar’s dad is ashamed of him. Yunhua doesn’t seem to have it any better either. So far there are the only characters we know of, with one exception being Aries. We say her mom in episode 1 and they got along very well. I’ve noticed in the OP there’s a group shot of all the parents/guardians figures and none of them look happy. I also think the show is trying very hard to point us towards Yunhua. The moment before she started drowning, he was almost about to say “I need to help in some way too.” The one I’m having my suspicions on is Aries. If you think about a saboteur who want to be the least suspected, they would act very friendly and even stupidly so they never get any suspicions. She almost might be the psychic who can control the orb. She did say she joined the school in the last minute. I guess I also want it to be her because that would be more interesting as well. I remember after watching Rokka no Yuusha how the answer was obvious from the start in hindsight.

    • bluesea devotee
    • 2019年 7月 24日

    What if this is some sort of a survival game?

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