
【動画】Dr. Stone Chapter 2 Manga Review – The Way To Save People

Dr. Stone Chapter 2 pits Science vs Fantasy against each other. Apparently there is a way to save people from the stone. The question that remains however….. who gets freed & who doesn’t? Ready for Dr. Stone Chapter 3 Review?

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    • Chibi Reviews
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    You think this will survive Weekly Shonen Jump?

    • W M-J
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Please do more Dr. Stone videos

    • ProudNugget
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Have you read the latest chapter?

    • darien donaldson aka the leader rak
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    A year later its still on

    • Brantly C
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Are you still reading this? It’s awesome.

    • NickHal
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Holy crap the latest chapter!

    • Bernis Vindell
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Chibi I can certainly tell myself and a bunch more want u to keep reviewing this manga! it got better that’s for sure hope you read this keep the good work man.

    • Hooded Gamer
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    It’s survived all the way until September so I’m guessing it will either end next year or stay as a weekly series and go far.

    • Stan Pearson
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    You still keeping up ? Would love move of these videos !!

    • BAM
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Hey Chibi could possibly revise this series and give your thoughts cuz things are getting really interesting

    • Promethium
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Dr. Stone for the win!

    • Elyk
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    chapter 3 is pretty boss

    • Adam Mada
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Check out ‘A Trail of Blood.’

    • Kaivyr
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    oh pls main girl be yangire

    • Plumpy
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    chibi you dont have to worry about character development if the manga is done inagaki riichiro. it’ll probably be a while but it gonna happen, also READ EYESHIELD 21.

    • Jun Taiohara
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    The only problem I have is that buff guys character is very one dimensional. “I DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING BUT MY MUSCLES ARE USEFUL HURR DURR” I don’t dislike the dumb buff guy trope a lot, but somehow I feel this manga is pushing it in our throats, all his speeches about using his power for survival, and supporting his smart friend with brawns, they were just freaking too much, like ok, I get it, thats how your character is. Otherwise everything else is ok, although I fear what they will do to the female character if she is released…

    • jamal samuels
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    The story is shit let’s be honest. The story needs to cover if these kids have family’s. 2 the main character is dumb but strong physically like many other shounen.3 either these characters have no depth and stick to current events like the main character only thinking about confessing to the girl and nothing else but that (this really annoyed me) 4 already knowing who to take down and not thinking about who could have done this or if it’s a natural disaster.5 the petrifaction stuff is unique but as far as we know from chapter two these characters are pretty basic. 6 indeed these characters need to give a reason to care about them. 7 the next chapter has a lot to fulfill or I’m dropping it. And please no hate but explain the greatness in this series that I’m missing (cause I don’t see it)

    • Buddzah Bean
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Staying awake for thousands of years doing nothing sounds like hell lol

    • ForEvergreen CS
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Missed opportunity to say it’ll be rock solid at 8:24 lmao. But yeah I’m really enjoying this so far and I hope it doesn’t get the axe cause I wanna see where it goes. So much potential man.

    • Deekota Britton
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Heh heh I rather be stoned xD

    • Chowkeyo
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Dr.Stone is teaching me. Therefore if it gets axed it will hinder my education. # social injustice  :3

    • Gabriel Carrasco
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    I think the people who wake up are in near perfect condition. Some of the people have vines growing in and out of their bodies, and some are like broken in half. Obviously they won’t be coming back.

    • ace power
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    I really hope this shows survive. The science guy has a cool design and is pretty funny. Not to mention that he was able to keep count of time for thousands of years? That’s God like!

    • The_Archduke
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    God, I hope it doesn’t get axed. It’s been a very badass first two chapters so far.

    • dataseptable
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    I am really worried about that female character. Both Eyeshield 21 and Sun Ken rock have difficulty writing good plot for girls.

    • NotAKey
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    i wonder if the mcs are just gonna start a harlem lol

    (probably not since the buff dude won’t accept it)

    • NotAKey
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    I like the plot and the set up for the story and im enjoying it, i hope that it doesn’t get axed too.

    • Ankle Troubles
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    This will be legendary.

    • FallenRX
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Death Note, and Promised Neverland were weird for Shonen Jump, but they stood because they managed to be interesting among people, because the mangaka knew how to present there ideas to everyone in a manner that anyone can enjoy.

    If Dr Stone fails, its simply because of the mangaka lack of ability to present his ideas, to the masses in a interesting way.

    • FallenRX
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Weird or different isnt the problem, Presentation is, Just because something is weird or different, doesnt mean its good or worth staying, there is no point in doing something different if you cant catch peoples attention with it, presenting your ideas and concepts in a way that everyone can enjoy is a skill itself. Even if its unique and different, if its presentation is in a way that doesnt attract peoples attention in a Manga publications with high standards like jump. then it simply isnt cut out

    • Joan Ramirez
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    this happened in 3 ways it will get the bleach treatment, assassination classroom treatment or RWBY treatment. what you think chibi?

    • R.B[King Izaya]
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    when there are zero dislikes 🙂

    • Caspianm2
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Love this series! Most unique I’ve seen in a while, I hope it survives. Thanks for continuing to review it, Chibi.

    • TubeBeky
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    I have a theory about the whole stone thing…. So Spoiler alert

    I have a feeling this was done to cut down the size of mankind and make room for the best ones to survive. The ones with the highest willpower ( Dude who is in love ) , one with the highest IQ ( science dude ) and overall the ones who want to live the most and have the most reasons to live for will survive. That is why we have 2 MC’s who were able to survive all this time because they had a lot of willpower to survive.

    Most people gave up at the start when they turned to stone so they died right away ,they had weak will so they died.

    • milzmoney
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Keep reviewing it cuz it’s quality

    • MoeIsThis
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    It really reminds me the first dew chapters of Kingom, so I guess I’m gonna stay

    • Moez Elkhbuli
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    I havent read Dr. Stone yet just because I fear that it will get axed. Can anyone tell me if you see it being a complete manga in the future?

    • #ImDelon
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Chibi when are you going to watch “Katekyo Hitman Reborn!’? Oh and chibi i really hope they don’t cancel it because i’m really into manga or anime like these.

    • Jose Nunez
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    sun ken rock’s author?

    • シャイsad king
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    I really hope it survives cause im enjoying it and it has a lot of potential

    • One Against A Thousand
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Let me tell you why this series is gonna go down hill real quick. It’s gonna be the donwfall of man because….

    They woke up a woman

    (I know we men need em to live and reproduce but now that a women is involded there gonna be some bullshit emotions and stuff to factor into the story. Try impress her and stuff. It gets worse when she starts flashing her boobs and her vaja ja. Once a primal man gets a taste of sex and that pussy its all over. )

    • Eve
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    i love the character design of senkuu

    • One Against A Thousand
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    The Science O Meter….
    Scales from 0 to 10 and 10 to absoutle bullshit ~

    Lot of terms were throw’n around this episode.
    A majority of them were real… and there was some bullshit.

    The meter is fine right now… I mean everything is pretty acurate as of now so 10/10.


    The fourmla he found out to break people out of stone == Some bullshit (I wanan know the fourmla)

    • Rodney Paul
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Oh. So we are going to get consistent content from you? Nice

    • Jason Green
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    A new one shot has appeared Arcadia of the Moonlight by the author of CLAYMORE xD. Also this chapter of Dr. Stone was just normal for me waiting for the twist.

    • Toshiro Hitsugaya
    • 2018年 8月 03日


    • Georgia Papadopoulou
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    I think it will be fine for a while at least

    • Azan Raja
    • 2018年 8月 03日


    • Xcal
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Hi chibi

    • The Original
    • 2018年 8月 03日

    Can you review the new yowamushi?

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