
【動画】Dr Stone Chapter 83: “Dr. Stone” Discussion

Moving On To A New Arc … Here We Go


  1. ドクターストーン


    TVアニメ「Dr.STONE」続編決定!!第2期 最終11話の本…


    • Straw Hat Asta
    • 2019年 6月 19日

    Im so happy caught up with its so munch fun reading weekly. also agree with when you said characters need time talk and chill. The current Arc of Black Clover dose that handful of time despite the none stop action.

    • one Smart
    • 2019年 6月 19日


    • Fuya Hanabi
    • 2019年 6月 19日

    yo I feel like I’m good with Senku and Tsukasa getting all the spotlight in these few episodes but as you mentioned they really need to do something with Tsukasa’s sis quickly because right now she’s just there and that’s pretty weird considering she’s a plot point character that just got resurrected. I mean hell she didn’t even get to say any last word with her bro going into cryosleep wtf lol

    One series that you can’t do abridge justice is Jojo cuz Jojo itself feels like an abridge series (not that it’s a bad thing ofc I’m a diehard Jojo fan)

    • g suave
    • 2019年 6月 19日

    You guys seem to gush every single week on Dr. Stone and I love it. I just have so much fun every chapter and it just pace so well, the author knows what he’s doing and Boichi’s art is amazing, the uniqueness, the characters, everything about it so great man. My question is, would you consider Dr. Stone one of your favorites series of all time and maybe one of the best ever written as of right now, or you guys think is it too early?

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  1. ワンピース

  2. 四月は君の嘘

  3. 進撃の巨人

  4. ワンピース

  5. ドクターストーン
