
【動画】Dr. Stone ep 1-2 reaction: Science into the Stone Age

Dr. Stone ep 1: Stone World
Dr. Stone ep 2: King of the Stone World
*Please don’t use my video without permission!
-MAL: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/DAF_vivi333
-Copyrights of ドクターストーン /Dr. Stone goes to TMS Entertainment, TMS/8PAN, and 稲垣 理一郎/Riichiro Inagaki.
-I blocked out part of the screen to avoid copyrights, so please open another tab or device to watch the original video there! I hope you understand and enjoy!
-I do not appreciate spoilers so they will be deleted if I feel it is a spoiler. Please understand that some people, myself, and other watchers may not have read the manga or have not caught up to anime so please be respectful!
*Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daf_vivi333/


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    • Justin Lee
    • 2019年 7月 31日

    This show is SOOOO good! I’m up to date on the manga, it’s really cool :3

    • Mati
    • 2019年 7月 31日

    Get well soon vivi

    • Lelouch Alzahrani
    • 2019年 7月 31日

    Hope you get well soon.
    Enjoy the journey

  1. この記事へのトラックバックはありません。


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