
【動画】Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 22 Review

Lobster Magnet and Gorogregoro marvel at the primitive cooking techniques on display as Sekku makes stone age Ramen.

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  1. ドクターストーン

    【動画】ドクターストーン69話ネタバレと考察「スイカ無双でクロム発見!」Dr STONE


  2. ドクターストーン



  3. ドクターストーン




    • Empyreal Denizen
    • 2018年 10月 29日

    The stone age war is coming!

    • eyal soifer
    • 2018年 10月 29日

    I once after one of the chapters I read a chapter of doctor stone I had a nightmare that what happens in Dr stone happen in real life and I woke up after 500 years (less than in Dr stone) and I freaked out because didn’t download my dr stone manga and I had no idea of what to do cause I couldn’t remember what Senko did and I tried to find a computer and find a copy of Dr stone on a computer. it was a strange dream.

    • Shank X
    • 2018年 10月 29日

    I would say the goals wise first
    Take over the village and make them a science army-Then fight Tsukasa’s army-and Finally find out who froze everybody and rescue humanity

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