
【動画】Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 24 Review

Lobster Magnet and Gorogregoro are super pleased that the introduction of the mentalist into Dr. Stone doesn’t throw everything off balance and the series continues its remarkable run from the past few weeks.

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    • Promethium
    • 2018年 9月 08日

    Japanese underwear is called Fundoshi, since you asked.

    • Promethium
    • 2018年 9月 08日

    I got referenced in a YouTube video.


    Keep up the good work with the reviews by the way guys!

    • eyal soifer
    • 2018年 9月 08日

    great review.
    will you do a review of the one punch man manga? (not the web comic)

  1. この記事へのトラックバックはありません。


  1. 東京喰種:re

  2. 東京喰種:re

  3. ハンターハンター

  4. 四月は君の嘘

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  5. 刃牙道

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