
【動画】Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 28 + 29 Review

The glass saga continues in Dr. Stone as Lobster Magnet and Gorogregoro remark how it’s grown into one of their favorite series.

===Build Your Own Kingdom of Science With Glass===


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    • eyal soifer
    • 2018年 12月 19日

    I’d love to see the weird guy from the start whan senkai just got to the village. Whan we saw chart with all the people and there was this guy who had a question mark instead of his name.
    I think you should put up more images while you are revuing the chapters.

    • Shank X
    • 2018年 12月 19日

    I love the Dr.Stoners it sound hilarious.

    • aaa1e2r3
    • 2018年 12月 19日

    Hey Lobster, if you want a sports manga that you might get hooked on, I would recommend one of two series, Hajime no Ippo and Kaiji Ultimate Survivor

    • Empyreal Denizen
    • 2018年 12月 19日

    A very entertaining set of reviews.

    Dr. Stoners is my pick.

    • Icebot25
    • 2018年 12月 19日

    Keep up the great work

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