
【動画】Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 44-52 Stone Wars | Readthrough | ドクターストーン

Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 44-52. Ishigami Village Saga, Village Origins Arc and the Stone Wars Saga, Vs Hyouga and the Communications Arc.

Volume 06
-Ishigami Village Saga
-Village Origins Arc
Chapter 44: One Hundred Nights, One Thousand Skies
Chapter 45: Epilogue of Chapter One
-Stone Wars Saga
-Vs Hyouga Arc
Chapter 46: Stone Wars
Chapter 47: Science vs. Power
Chapter 48: Blade of Science
Chapter 49: And now, to the Modern Era
Chapter 50: Humanity’s Strongest Weapon
-Communications Arc
Chapter 51: Sweet in the Stone World
Chapter 52: The Age of Machine Power

Previous: https://youtu.be/zsR8jNvAsgw
Next: https://youtu.be/NbfFNLSi0Ec


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