
【動画】FIRST CONTACT Dr. Stone Chapter 95 #MangaNerdigan Live Reaction

Live Reaction of Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 95

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  1. ドクターストーン



  2. ドクターストーン

    【動画】【Dr.STONE Battle Craft バトクラ】#30 R, SR, SSRに上方修…


  3. ドクターストーン

    【動画】「Dr.STORN」152話あらすじと考察  Dr.ゼノが謝る理由


  4. ドクターストーン




    • Full Burst
    • 2019年 3月 05日

    This chapter made more people go back to dr.stone. eeeey dr.stone is winning <33 is has the potential to be the next one piece. Keep getting Leading covers after covers!!!. I gave the vote for chrome, hes just best boii

    • David Lieberman
    • 2019年 3月 05日

    *Boat receives horrifying message of “Why Why Why Why…” from a powerful unknown force possibly the cause of the demise of humanity.
    *Ryusui, Gen, Ukyo, Chrome: “Oh F*ck!”
    *Senku: “Yay, cool!”

    • PokemonaMoni
    • 2019年 3月 05日

    Wow, I didn’t know you also reviewed Dr Stone! I also follow it since Chapter 1, one of the best current manga. This chapter gave me chills it was awesome (also yes, Gen is number 1)

  1. この記事へのトラックバックはありません。


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