
【動画】Let’s read Dr. Stone 3 (live reactions)

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  1. ドクターストーン

    【動画】【呪術廻戦】五条悟の年収 #shorts

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    • nikkmasterful
    • 2018年 3月 23日

    You looked at this comic? Zannen Jokanbu Black General-san

    • slack babo
    • 2018年 3月 23日

    Pretty messed up how he didn’t bring her back to life right away. I mean, he was sentient the entire time he was petrified so she probably is also. I’m sure after thousands of years, she probably wouldn’t even notice she was naked because she would be so glad to be free.

    Anyway keep up the good work!!

    • Dragoon Claw
    • 2018年 3月 23日

    I really hope this manga succeeds, seems like an interesting surival series. You should also check out Kimetsu no Yaiba

  1. この記事へのトラックバックはありません。


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