
【動画】OMFG Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 6 Review 東京喰種:re – Centipede’s Resurrection?

this chapter makes the Nishiki = Serpent theory undeniably clear (bikaku/hatred for doves/distaste for aogiri/”normal kick”)
we see sasaki trying to supress Kaneki here and this lends credence to the theory that they are one and the same (or that quincke’s can commune with the personality of their kagune/Kaneki can ressurect himself through Sasaki)
THIS FIGHT WAS BEAST (serpetn is clearly OP as Urie and Shirazu can’t even touch him and mitsuki cowers in fear)
As annoying as Urie is you can’t deny that the dude is determined
Last minute Serpent theories? (the Nishiki theory just can’t be denied at this point – ahh well AMON WILL RETURN AS A GHOUL MARK MY WORDS)
Thoughts/Prediction on Sasaki vs Serpent?



    • Cookie Monster
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    I started reading Tokyo Ghoul:Re today, and it’s been awesome so far 😀 I can’t wait to catch up to the latest chapter!

    • Austen Symes
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    Let’s go! Bad ass chapter!

    • Microthic
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    Here is a nice post from reddit:

    I keep seeing people pointing out that because Haise is seeing images of Kaenki he has the same relationship with Kaneki that Kaneki had with Rize. Basically Haise has Kaneki’s organs in the same way Kaneki had Rize’s. It’s completely different. The only reason Kaneki saw Rize was a side effect of the torture he underwent. In order to cope he took on a persona he imagined to be what Rize had been like. This persona would lend him strength since he consider himself, Kaneki, to be weak. Remember when Kaneki first met Rize after knowing she was alive? He has that whole identity crisis where he realizes the Rise persona was not actually a special connection he shared with Rize, but rather a figment of his own tortured mind. Part of encourajing Kaneki to come back to Anteiku was Renji making Kaneki realize the strength he imagined came from himself and not this percieved Rize.

    Now, if we understand Kaneki’s imagining of Rize was not due to the transplanted organs, but rather the torture compounded by the induced insanity caused by ghoul cannabilism, then it means Haise’s “visions” of Kaneki can not be the result of the transplanted organs. What seems to be the real solution is exactly what it appears. Haise is indeed Kaneki who through a combination of CCG interference, trauma from his fight with Arima, and whatever happened between him and Hide in the sewers has shifted personalities to a mixture of old Kaneki and Hide. Now, if I were to speculate at this point, throughout RE we will continue to see cracks in the Haise persona which allow Kaneki to slip through. I’m sure we will eventually see a mixture of the new Haise and old Kaneki personality as RE matures. Doing so allows the author to keep Haise, but also allows for meaningful reunions with old TK characters.

    • 2021年 12月 04日

    I don’t think a week could ever go by so slowly….I REALLY want next Sunday to be here, I can’t wait for the next chapter!

    • MonoMino
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    This was fucking amazing! Next week is gonna be insane!!!

    BTW, i think i found Naruto’s successor. Its a new series called Boku No Hero Academia (has 9 chapters translated but a group has announced its catching up so alot of chapters these weeks, 20 out atm). Here dem reasons.: 
    1: some Similar characters, the potential for the series is insane.
    2: The art, pacing, development and the whole thing is insane.The art style is crazy as fuck!
    3: Amazing premise,characters, smart action and story so far.
    4: Its exploding in Japan. Already beat One Piece and Assassination Classroom in jump rankings two times in a row and hasn’t dropped below top 5.
    5: Volume 1 had the highest launch week sales since Toriko volume 1.(2008)
    6: The latest chapter was fucking….. insane.
    7: Here’s link to chapter 1 – http://www.mangahere.co/manga/boku_no_hero_academia/c001/2.html

    • samar n
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    do we have any news about the black breif case that arima had on the last chapter of tokyo ghoul?
    From what ive read so far we dont :/
    As for kaneki ken, i think hes still alive and that sasaki has a bit of kanekis kakuja in him thus he has quiet time with kaneki 🙂

    • Mel Tang
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    YES OMG TOKYO GHOUL: RE!!! SASAKI IS KANEKI (unless mangaka is trolling)!!!! I love Kaneki <3 Quinckies rhymes with Twinkies XD lolol WHOOHOO (i wonder what Akira and Arima will do when they show up?? Will Sasaki get possessed???)

    • DragonForceNinjaX777
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    Sasaki clicking his fingers at the end the hypes real omg!

    • OtakuTendencies
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    Duuuuude this is the best chapter of :re so far!!! I’m really hoping this gets an anime and a proper one at that.

    • Zaev Rima
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    I might said the same thing a couple times in your videos but its freaking me out. Hahhahah

    • Zaev Rima
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    Sasaki is 100% kaneki but brainwashed by Arima. the theory about the organs transplanted into sasaki just doesnt make any sense to me. I mean first of all, they freakin’ look the same, have similar personalities and they both love reading books. And second, if sasaki has kaneki’s organs, then it means that sasaki met kaneki somewhere before in real life like kaneki who knew rize in the past. But you can clearly see that sasaki doesnt know much about this mysterious person (white hair kaneki) inside his head except the fact that he wants to gain control over sasaki’s body. Ishida wants the readers to believe in the organ transplant theory for a period of time.

    • meshachb
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    transplant theory is wrong . kankei realized it was a hallucination when he saw the real rize again in a cage. he realized that he had idealized her and his image of her was false. you can read it after the raid on the laboratory. . kaneki was really going insane hence why he saw rize. she represented what had happened to him . she was simply a mental image of his ghoul side that he had repressed not actually rize or her memories, by eating her he embraced his ghoul side. haise has never met kankei therefore there is no reason to suggest this is a mental projection, rather it’s really kaneki remembering himself .

    • Solomon The Wise
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    I don’t really want sasaki too be kaneki just because if it is true then the character development that kaneki had gone through would have been null and void. As for serpent being Nishiki hands Down that is true not because of the normal kicks but because of one thing his girlfriends scar that is on her torso. Torso killed her and Nishiki fell into despair and became Serpent.

    • All Meet
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    I truly believe it’s the first theory with the Sasaki is Kaneki but he has just developed another personality or brainwashed or w/e, reason? because when the Shiba made the “Quinckes” he’s raised their RC levels or whatever by bit he tuned them so they can eat normal human food and still use Kagune, but with Sasaki he was like “What are you?” that was pretty obvious that he did NOT implant the Kagune into Sasaki, and that Sasaki had it before, waaaay before “Quinckes” arrive.

    And tbh I can see this coming, Urie cannibalizing other ghouls just to get as strong as Sasaki/Kaneki and he might even go insane ( Kakuja ) and die from Arima or anyone else…

    • Carrie 4116
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    AMAZING thats all i got to say

    • this-is-madness
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    Yooow wukong bro, if you would zoome in on the last page you can clearly see that the kagune roots from a rinkaku position just like kaneki’s. ( http://imperialscans.com/read/tokyo-ghoul-re/6-a-bad-gamble-for-the-possessed/17 )

    • rex zero
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    What poster is that on top of kill la kill poster

    • Agk
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    Ohhhh Kankei Centipede Mode…HYPPPPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!

    Your theories are always either on point or just plain excellent “alternatives”.
    8:00 Gaah, it would make more sense if Kaneki is actually dead and just a part of the Kagune.
    Enjoyed the longer review!

    • Nathan York
    • 2021年 12月 04日

    Sasaki is Kaneki. I know it. Same goes for Nishiki who could be Serpent.

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