
【動画】Thank you Sorachi for Gintama – FINAL Gintama 銀魂 Manga Chapter 704 LIVE REACTION

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So that’s it… Sorachi you deserve the rest. I am going to miss this series so much with all of the characters. Gintoki Sakata is the GOAT character in all of fiction. No other series will make me feel what Gintama makes me feel. Thank you Sorachi for creating this series.

Find Me On: https://twitter.com/StandUser00


  1. 彼方のアストラ

    【動画】#24【ファイアーエムブレム覚醒】 寄り道 異伝 花嫁強襲強奪作戦 【ファイアーエムブレム…


  2. 彼方のアストラ




    • Bliu Tiger
    • 2019年 6月 25日

    Thank you for sharing your journey, Stand! It’s hard to let it go but I’m just so very happy it got a great and satisfying ending it deserved. Til Sorachi’s next work.

    • King_ Recon
    • 2019年 6月 25日

    Stand fam! Thank you for being apart of this wonderful journey! Goatama greatness.

    • Mairuzukage
    • 2019年 6月 25日

    This is such an amazing series and i am so happy to be a part of the Gintama community. I started getting into it from a friend and Gintama has been with me ever since. Such an amazing series and i am so glad i got to experience it. Gintama is a slow burn admittedly but once you hit that threshold that connects with you, i promise you will be with the series up to the very end.

    • Matthew Lucas
    • 2019年 6月 25日

    Talked about the chapter on Twitter

    • Matthew Lucas
    • 2019年 6月 25日

    Hey standuser how’s it’s going in June .Anything interesting ?

    • Matthew Lucas
    • 2019年 6月 25日

    Well I guess that’s it with the gintama videos .Just glad to see Sorachi ended the series on a good note .

  1. この記事へのトラックバックはありません。


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