
【動画】THE BEST DAD IN ANIME! || Dr. Stone Episode 17 and 18 REACTION + REVIEW

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Here is my REACTION + REVIEW to Dr. Stone Episode 17 and 18

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Description tags: Dr. Stone Episode 17 reaction, Dr .Stone Episode 18 reaction, Dr. Stone, Dr. Stone reaction

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#DrStone #Reaction #Trending


  1. ドクターストーン

    【動画】【Dr.STONE】龍水&ゲン VS 千空&コハク

    漫画の舘のともこです!キングダム・ワンピース(ONE PIECE…

  2. ドクターストーン

    【動画】Dr Stone is awesome!



    • RuffSenpai
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Use code “RUFF” to save 10% on Advanced Focus or Energy the drink I drink daily and help support the channel!
    ►► https://advanced.gg/?ref=ruffsenpai

    • Arjan Jung
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    5:49 Alot of the technologies we have today are highly dependable very specific resources that aren’t easy to get if you dont have alot of hands and most of them aren’t going to be useful to your imidiate survival. We can see the village still used tanning and applying laquer to shields but metal works and such were mostly driven by conflicts between cities and they are all alone so stone is way way easier to come by and use and serves them just as well so its not wonder alot of the stuff just fell by the wayside

    • Astolf’s whoop Eater
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    To think that rn in the manga they’re building a rocket to the moon its so funny seeing hyoga in the enemy’s side lol

    • Mohammad Irfan
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Shiit i still waiting bruh

    • PotterBrony82
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Granted they were all 6 in peak human condition, you have to be to be an astronaut. It’s still a small gene pool. Start with 3 couples, and you end up with a village full of beautiful people in 3700 years? Not a bunch of deformed monsters?

    • Mohammad Irfan
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Where reaction one piece again already 2 days bruh

    • Johannes Bowers
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    To be fair Ishigami village should really be called Alabama village…. everybody is some kind of cousin to everybody at least. Good news is since they came from the International space station they started with a diverse gene pool. They could probably keep the inbreeding to less than half siblings, 2nd or 3rd cousins and such.

    • SteveU
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Hey, did you know laws sword from OP is called kikoku
    And shanks’ is gryphon

    • David Yodo
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Hey i just noticed Shamil has the same VA as Shikamaru

    • Sivan Avivi
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Whitebeard is the beast dad in anime

    • CrisC81
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Show literally goes full throttle after this and I fucking love
    The only Anime where MC is my favorite character. I usually admire the super genius loll.

    • Johnny OP
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Please do the promotional stuff in the starting. It is weird and takes you out of the anime.

    • Voltron Nortlov
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Shirohige: Am i a joke to you?

    • Mazen Al-Sayaghi
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    React to demon slayer season 2 trailer.

    • Izitto Ch.
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Technically science is just the understanding of how things work, industrialization is the implementation of it. They’re an industrial kingdom, not a science kingdom

    • Rapid Cougar 3
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    I can only see 2 posts atm is there a reason I’ve got the 1month $7 pledge???

    • Алексей Прокофьев
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Wait, Shamil was voiced by same guy that voiced Akiro Otoishi(Red Hot Chilly Pepper’s user) in Jojo part 4?
    Byakuya also sounds familiar

    • Muhd Ikmal
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Character design + the voice actor, Gen easily one of my favorite in dr.stone

    • Guja Studios 2.0
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    More than 50% of People Who died with Pneumonia During the Spanish flue Where Bacterial Pneumonia cases, Because Doctors thought those where Cause by virus they didn’t use Antibiotics which would saved them and Now it’s Recommended To not use Antibiotics when Treating Covid Even tho Bacterial Pneumonia has mostly the same symptoms (Yes Antibiotics can damage Gut bacteria and Immunity to some extent, but it’s Better I think, if you survive if Doctors mistook your bacterial Pneumonia with Viral one)…

    • BlackOut4
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    come on Ruff, i did not think you would forget about Whitebeared so quickly….. whitebeared lay down his life for his kids, Byakuya pretty much just happily fucked his way into leaving a messege for his son.

    • Ganta Shiro
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Was wondering did you ever continue Higurashi When They Cry GOU? did you continue it on Patreon or something? By the end of GOU btw it got super good and the sequel SOTSU which finished the series was mind blowing. If you’ve dropped it please reconsider

    • Vivek Thorat
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Yo ruff I love your videos very much and by far you are my favorite reactor. I just saw your shippuden ep 1 reaction and I hope if you complete Dr Stone or shield hero I would like u to react to shippuden. It’s my favorite anime after one piece

    • Miles Prower
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    It doesn’t matter how f$cked up is the meaning of someone’s death to certain characters, nothing beats the *_”it was only pneumonia”_* line…

    • babybellchz
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    love when I see myself pop up on twitch chat lol

    • Zellrang
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    you had to be banned people before you start the anime, why? I’m just curious…

    • Froggy
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    kinda annoying that the reveal of Hyoga was cut but oh well

    • trickyagent127
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Gen being on Senku’s team really makes his character so much more enjoyable

    • Cyonated
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    make sure u rewatch this off stream lmao, feel like u dont get to completely appreciate these eps when u have to also make it entertaining content

    • extremedeerbruh 2
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    I love he reactions and stuff but can u stop fucking pausing it so much when u watch Dr stone u don’t pause this much for anything else but for this series u go on unnecessary rants that u can freaking edit out that’s the point of a video I’m fine with u pausing and talking but u do it more than double for this series than all others

    • Alexander Lee
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    One of the very rare anime Dad who isn’t trash and he’s not even a blood related Dad.

    • Nenosaj
    • 2021年 12月 03日


    • Kazero
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Lets start fkin right away so we have to spend all our time taking care of babies on a deserted island instead spending time making a decent boat to get off the island. These guys are the stupidest astronauts ever. Lets tell our kids stupid stories that they have to decode instead of teaching them things they need to advance, worst parents ever. They all deserve to die from pneumonia for being such morons.

    • William Thomas
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    That level of father figure. Also Iroh

    • 02 Hải Anh
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    When is next dr stone stream ?

    • Jena W
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    I’ve been to that body exhibit that Ruff was talking about and I agree about feeling weird being there. Like I appreciate what it’s trying to do and it’s interesting to see what we look like, but it does something to your thoughts when you take a step back and realize you are looking at a literal human being.

    Also, while it’s fun to watch these couple of episodes and see Senku’s dad and the gang basically come back to Earth and repopulate, for some reason all I can ever think about is how little variety of DNA is getting passed around and so a few generations in, there’s obviously a lot of inbreeding. Of course, there’s things such as mutations, etc, and of course this is an anime/fictional story where it’s not addressed. Which I totally get. Just can’t help but think about it, lol.

    • Alex Dogan
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    I swear none of those guys had plot armor except Senkus dad and step mommy 😀

    • Nokukichimo ybm
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Byakuya is my fav character on this

    • Jose Ignacio Uriarte
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    The Whitebeard pirates disagree.

    • Taha Mostafa
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    You’re wrong ging is a better dad

    • Cold Frenzy
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    “Dad of the decade”… Nah he the best dad in the last 3700 years

    • Cold Frenzy
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    “Best dad in anime”
    Manga proving that every arc smh…. Byakuya just a different kind of chad

    • Forgoat Paragon
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    You forgot, when talking about the best dads, to talk about yourself. I think you could go in the top 10 best dads without problems.

    • Juan Rodriguez
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    I read the title and I will say Whitebeard is the best dad in anime

    • T O A D I E
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Everyone gangsta till super mario makes his cameo

    • kioger89
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    Dude when i first watched doctor stone me and my bro was like no way senku is adopted who else thinks senku looks just like his dad

    • karzon70
    • 2021年 12月 03日

    That was super fun to watch!

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