
【動画】Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 115 Live Reaction 東京喰種:re

Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 115 “When you realize your own future’s gone to shit. All you have left…IS TO LIVE FOR SOMEONE ELSE!” SEIDOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 東京喰種:re

    【動画】【世界最速】石田スイ完全新作「超人X」第一話 考察&感想会


  2. 東京喰種:re


    いつもご視聴頂きありがとうございます。 面白いと思ったらシェアして…

  3. 東京喰種:re

    【動画】「ねえ 僕を受け入れてよ」#東京喰種:re 第1話「狩る者たち START」



    • Alex Tran
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    his reaction at the end.. I’m deceased LOL

    • judemaars
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    Dope shirt.

    • Abishai Din
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    When i first started TG i never thought that seidou would be one of my favourite characters

    • Scott Report
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    I would never have thought Seido would be in my Top 5 characters in this series. AND WTF! That last page was so random lol.

    • Edgar Hernandez
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    Idk, I’ve grown to really like Seidou when we first saw him in his ghoul stage. Now that he is more tamed and has a bit of a reason why to keep pushing is so nice. : ) I plan to do a sculpture of him soon, so We’ll see how that goes!

    • XxThrillKillaXx
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    so wait is takizawa dead?

    • SlurBits
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    When your man Matsuri gets exposed hella hard. Looks like a V-member blade to me as well.

    • dragonSO 77
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    They forgot to give Matsuri an Oscar for the main actor in The last unicorn.^^

    • Kijikush
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    kinda think its furuta himself

    • YamiKisara
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    I’ve watched some of your videos recently, but this live reaction finally made me hit that subscribe button, I totally feel you when it comes to Seidou!

    • SmilePlease
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    Btw… anyone on that Kuro and Seidou ship? Since I can’t see Seidou getting together with Akira I really hope he will find happiness in some way or form…

    • Samoan Joseph
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    I know I’ve missed some stuff, but: Amon and Takizawa went missing and were declared dead at the same time, presumably followed by at least one member of Takizawa’s family going missing. Did the CCG look into that last disappearance at all? I do tend to put more importance on characters introduced before Re, but at the very least that suggests the families of investigators are being targeted. I don’t remember that being common, at least not if the relatives weren’t investigators themselves.

    • SmilePlease
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    I called it… Seidou was the first full Kakuja that we have seen so far who was in complete control of his sanity. Besides Eto of course. But that is still huge. I never saw this coming at all while reading part 1 and even until the Rue island arc I always thought that Seidou would get a complete tragic death at the hands of his former comrades. I love how he just slowly but surely became one of my absolute favorite TG characters over the time from part one to where we are now.

    • Sterling
    • 2021年 12月 10日


    • Over9000
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    You guys get way too emotionally attached to these fictional shits.

    • TheGio765
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    Now that it’s been confirmed that Seidou ate his family his torture was definitely the worst. Kaneki’s was still rough yea but nothing can touch what Seidou had to go through.

    • Green Covenant Cloak
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    Great chapter! Love the distinctions between the kakujas, although they have the same kakuhou

    • bruno silva
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    your reactions are always amazing kk’

    • Albaraa Dabaliz
    • 2021年 12月 10日

    ​”When u realize ur own future’s gone to shit all u have left is to live for someone else” BEST LINES WHAT A BRO (T_T)7….literally right in the kokoro (Amon’s)
    Dat Meanwhile tho LMAO
    Kuro’s sexy asf

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