
【動画】Donald Reads/Draws Fairy Tail 412

A creative critique of ‘Fairy Tail’ ch. 412 (2014) by Hiro Mashima. Use of copyright material protected under Fair Use.

Read ‘Fairy Tail’ ch. 412 here: http://www.crunchyroll.com/comics/manga/fairy-tail/volumes

Snake Skin here: http://sakura060277.deviantart.com/art/Snake-skin-texture-Stock-356338898

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  1. フェアリーテイル



  2. フェアリーテイル

    【動画】藤商事様『S フェアリーテイル2』最速試打! その2

    ※配信中でのトラブル、大変ご迷惑をおかけしました。 誠に申し訳ご…

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  4. フェアリーテイル




    • MrMajinHunter
    • 2018年 3月 24日

    Wow… I was a big fan of your Channel, until all of your videos became you complaining about your videos getting flagged all the time and I had to unsubscribe. I wanted to see if you got everything worked out and this is the first video I see… I’m so sad

    • pip burnadet
    • 2018年 3月 24日

    I think they just use mythological names for attacks and characters

    • 777 MangaKing 777
    • 2018年 3月 24日

    The dragons came back because of Acnologia (the black dragon), Face activating, and the fact that E.N.D. the most powerful demon ever is about to be resurrected. From what Igneel (the fire dragon) said in past chapters the dragons decided not to get involved with human affairs if possible for some reason and left. Also the bad guy’s name is Mard Geer Tartarus. I don’t think the Manga will be ending.There needs to be at least one more arc where they deal with Zeref (the most powerful dark mage that’s ever lived). I don’t remember Mashima doing much with mythology besides some characters names and little references, but I could be wrong. Last of all It was kind of hinted the dragons were in the dragon slayers. In one arc Natsu and Gajeel were stuck in a barrier that was only supposed to keep people made of stone or over the age of 80 from leaving and also the dragons always seemed to know what was happening with their kids even though they were supposedly far away.

    • uchihasasu2
    • 2018年 3月 24日

    dat natsu dragon force drawing though hahahahaha…..cool review

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