
【動画】Dr Stone Chapter 105: The Beauty of the Island Discussion

Evil Harems Are Evil


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    • Fuya Hanabi
    • 2019年 6月 13日

    yeahhh the new girl’s appearance hasn’t sold me. I kinda got a “solving each island’s problem” One Piece style vibes from this chapter. May be they will go that direction idk and this boss guy of this island doesn’t seem to be that big of a plot point suddenly cuz he has a harem lol

    Also don’t lewd the boy thurrman FBI coming your way weeeewoooooo

    • zerokura
    • 2019年 6月 13日

    I want to see more of what happen to animals in these past 6000 years or so.like how many whales are there in the sea. Where are my zoo animals running wild. Also its alright thigh-men dont remember or know how your name is spelled but we know your talking about the older version of the kid your cool ride on ride on.

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