
【動画】Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 21 Review

Lobster Magnet and Gorogregoro enjoy the consistent run of good quality from Dr. Stone

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  1. ドクターストーン

    【動画】理系に大人気の漫画「Dr.STONE」の伏線を探しだし 考察してみた!【アニメ/漫画】



    • Ryan Horner
    • 2018年 10月 12日

    I’ve been on the Dr. Stone train since the beginning. I hope it gains more popularity soon.

    • Saber Nightmare
    • 2018年 10月 12日

    Here is the link to the community discord join for better interactions https://discord.gg/VnVun3r

    • Shank X
    • 2018年 10月 12日

    I do find it interesting that the priestess( forgot her name ) knows the old stories but like you guys said its probably just passed down. The new mascot character is nice and I like her so far did not make the connection with disabled people but now I see it once you pointed it out. I have no real gripes with this chapter it was pretty good.

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  1. 進撃の巨人

  2. テラフォーマーズ

  3. ワンピース

  4. ワンピース

    【動画】ワンピース 考察 Dの意志の正体
  5. ワンパンマン

    【動画】ワンパンマン 強さランキング 80位~71位 【2018】