
【動画】Dr. Stone Chapter 4 & 5 Review – Different Morals

Dr. Stone is getting deep. I love it 😀

Twitter: @overlady96
Instagram: @overlady96


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    • tharu G
    • 2018年 9月 09日

    one thing i dont get is, these guys used to be in school, how does someone get so strong that he can one shot a lion? or do we assume that everything is exaggerated like senkuu counting how long he was petrified etc

    • kikzzer
    • 2018年 9月 09日

    of course tsukasa had to be evil at least until there is a greater evil and they have to eventually combine their strenghts, and yeah the depth of this series is great, i would definitely id go with senkus vision of the new world, im excited to see, how that civilisation is gonna be acomplished

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