
【動画】Dr Stone Chapter 72: Experience Discussion

Chrome Proceeds to SOLO this Entire Prison Break


  1. ドクターストーン

    【動画】【検証】Dr.STONE で実際に作ってた「コーラ」って作れるのか?【リアルマンガ再現】


  2. ドクターストーン



  3. ドクターストーン




    • Tengushadow777
    • 2018年 9月 09日

    Well I was wrong honestly I thought he was going to fail but hey I was wrong I admit it

    • Shank X
    • 2018年 9月 09日

    Hay guys I am happy there are other people reviewing dr.stone that I actually like. Oh and I wanted to know who you guys thought gave chrome the battery because in one of my older reviews I thought it could be Uyko (the archer). Also ya How many times are they going to do fake out chrome deaths. I dont think chrome escaping by himself was bad it was a good surprise and I did not expect the fake blood. I also wonder how Tsukasa will react to this?

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