
【動画】Dragon God Sacrifice!? Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 5 (550)フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト

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  1. フェアリーテイル




    • Terrence Noran
    • 2018年 8月 23日

    Natsu: “You hurt my friends? That’s it! Everybody dies!”

    • Anime4Life
    • 2018年 8月 23日

    So how can Lucy use her Aquarius Stardress when she doesn’t have the key??? Don’t say she does Aquarius herself said that the key has been reborn somewhere in the world she has the old one and a broken key can’t be used.

    • TheJaredPunch
    • 2018年 8月 23日


    • Trevor Daily
    • 2018年 8月 23日

    Kinda slow but fine for side character stuff. On the one hand I do like seeing the other guilds on the other I just wish that the sacrifice may of come from a guild we knew about like Lamia or Mermaid

    • FairyDeadlySins Williams
    • 2018年 8月 23日

    Another good chapter.

    • yszman
    • 2018年 8月 23日

    Hopefully for Rogue’s sake, Solano doesn’t find out what happened in the “Welcome Home Frosch” omake.

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