Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/casanel2/netabare-kousatsu.com/public_html/manga/wp/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/class.media-summary.php on line 77
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/casanel2/netabare-kousatsu.com/public_html/manga/wp/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/class.media-summary.php on line 87 【動画】Edens Zero Manga Chapter 14 RAW FULL エデンズゼロ | 動画でマンガ考察!ネタバレや考察、伏線、最新話の予想、感想集めました。
So…what I have gathered is that Jellal is back, He wants to kill Erza and some how Mashima will come up with something so they can fall in love. Am I missing anything?
So Elsie was testing Shiki, if so well have to admit I liking her character more and more not simply because her resemblance to Erza..
Never been a fan of Jellal and thought that wouldn’t see him again and Eden’s Zero has his own version in Justice, bad luck even though it was expected.
Thank God Elsie wasn’t actually defeated! Lmao, I’m sorry, I love shiki but if he actually would have beaten her there that would have been a huge let down lol. Also was that an Android like woman in the end there “E4” ? Mashima is doing some legendary things here folks. Can’t wait for the English translation.
que descarada copia de fairy tai
I legit thought that was Jellal on the thumbnail.
So…what I have gathered is that Jellal is back, He wants to kill Erza and some how Mashima will come up with something so they can fall in love. Am I missing anything?
im so soo glad that I understand hangul lol!!!
1:44 , me while watching the video.
Jallal… Why him…
So Elsie is not a enemy then huh? That’s good and I’m assuming something happened to mother goddess chick?
So Elsie was testing Shiki, if so well have to admit I liking her character more and more not simply because her resemblance to Erza..
Never been a fan of Jellal and thought that wouldn’t see him again and Eden’s Zero has his own version in Justice, bad luck even though it was expected.
E4 looks like Super Saiyanman XD
waw did i saw Jalal ?!?!?
Links of the music please.
Thank God Elsie wasn’t actually defeated! Lmao, I’m sorry, I love shiki but if he actually would have beaten her there that would have been a huge let down lol. Also was that an Android like woman in the end there “E4” ? Mashima is doing some legendary things here folks. Can’t wait for the English translation.
i Hope Acnologia Returns
I ship Shiki and Rebecca and it’s only been 14 chapters ;>
Is that Jellal on the thumbnail I seee
8:09 omg is that Mira?
*sigh* ok now we can safely say jellal is in Eden’s Zero -_-
So she’s just gonna hand over the ship to them? Wow so she’s affiliated with the demon king
JellalXErza in Eden zero? + E4?
Fairytail 100 years Quest please
Can someone tell me the name of the music please.
I love this manga
Great chapter
great job mate ,looks like we got eden zero version of jellal lol ,is FT coming soon btw?
This manga keep surprising me every time with this twists
I can’t even understand what’s happening but every week these RAWS get me so excited for the real chapter.