
【動画】Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 121


  1. フェアリーテイル

    【動画】FAIRY TAIL フェアリーテイル – 6巻

    加速するデリオラ復活の刻(とき)! これを阻止すべく戦うナツたち。…


    • Zdhdjsosvztduxjdpaishsv
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    Thanks to Eileen. Without her, Selene is out

    • Zaid Skriker
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    When will the next chapter come

    • Phantom Loard 0
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    why cant the main cast have there kids I do think its leading up to that tho

    • Tân Nguyễn
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    Remember that the people of Edo can’t absorb magic into their bodies… moreover in Edo the magic has also been exhausted => Irene reincarnated as a normal human, hmm I think the author doesn’t want she’s back again… i don’t like this ending at all! :((((

    • Mr. Astrophysicist
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    The second coming of Irene…

    • Kb Ck
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    I… The… Electric chair.

    • 申月営無営月無営有申無月営有申無月有有無月営申有月月無営申有
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    This chapter was great

    • Robot
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    irene help selene been alive and remain in human.

    selene use space power let irene become real human form in edloas

    • kunik61
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    What the heck.

    • Sazuke Shippuden
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    From what I understand, she healed selene using wendys magic ans inflict the pain on herself so she would die

    • Aryabarta Rout
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    So Irene is now reincarnated as erza skywalker’s baby.

    • Rudolf Erasmus
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    She’s finally gone. Hallelujah!!!

    • Silverdragon 918
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    Everyone gonna go crazy now that Edolas erza had a baby. ❤

    • Khady DIALLO
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    It seem irene does the best mistake of her life i don’t think healing selene was a good ideas

    • Brian Kao
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    Wait did Irene just got reincarnated as the daughter of edolas counterpart of Erza and Jellal. The beautiful irony.

    • Scáthach Queen of Dunscaith
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    I need to understand some things
    Did Irene just heal Selene?
    And did Mystogan and knightwalker just have a child?
    Is Irene the reincarnated child?

    • jack markcus
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    wait what? did irene was reborn as a baby? does it mean she will not be as powerful as before?

    • Sai Kyal Sin – Art
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    So, irene got reborn in Edolas? And now Erza Skywalker is the mother?

    Chapters are getting shorter and shorter.

    • zoromaster17 z
    • 2023年 8月 11日

    Yeah no you’re not the first

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