
【動画】Let’s read Dr. Stone 41 (live reactions)

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    • MrAlexo01
    • 2018年 5月 22日

    I like to think that the founder was Senku‘s Father maybe him and some people just woke up for some reason and his father studied a bit of science before everyone turned into stone because he was inspired by Senku.
    I don‘t even know if that makes sense on bit but senku‘s father is the only relative that was shown until now and he seemed very supportive and proud about the fact that he was that intelligent.

    • Jesus Ayala
    • 2018年 5月 22日


  1. この記事へのトラックバックはありません。


  1. 弱虫ペダル

  2. 進撃の巨人

  3. 東京喰種:re

  4. ドラゴンボール

  5. ハンターハンター

    【動画】ハンターハンター ヒソカが倒した元幻影旅団 オモカゲ 実は強かった?